Darkest Secret Chapter 1 I've lived in indiana for fourteen years and never once ran away from this boring place. I don't know why. It feels like something chained me to indiana and left me to die, maybe not something but someone. My brother. He was killed in a car accident last year. I was sent to a therapist a week after. I then realized my mom discovered the real me. The one who hates #life. Who can't stand the sound of laughter or the glow of a smile. I had friends, awesome friends. But then they took the sharpest knife they could and used it to stab me in the back. I want to run and hide but there's no where left to hide. I'm running, and running, never stoping. I hear the cries of my mother after my brothers death, the screams of my parents fighting, the laughs and words of all the people who turned their backs on me, and finally she shows up, the girl I thought I knew, the one who was my best friend since preschool looking at me like I'm crazy, I whisper sorry over, and over again. While she screams looser, creep, dirty undeserving rat at me again, and again. My knees give way, and I fall to the cold, hard brick floor. She stops screaming.I try to get up. But go back down when I hear his voice, my brother. He says the last thing he ever did to me. Sister dear don't ever stop looking, figure out who will do it, who will do this to me, and always remember I love you, stay strong sister dear, stay strong .

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