Thorne-man Beep beep, beep beep, "arrr work already"! Peter Thompson was on his way to work although he was 15 minutes late."we're have you been Peter taking pictures of squirrels in the park, don't answer that, now get out of my face", said his manager. Later on juring his boring day at work, he was helping a paint ain't, who had a Thorne stuck in his arm. "Help, help me it's killing me please help meeee", the paint ain't screamed."calm down" Peter said loudly. Suddenly as he was too busy talking his arm slipped into the Thorne in the pain taints arm... "Arrrrrr" he screamed. But, as he was too busy dancing around like a loonatic, he put his arms into a shape and a big string off thornes came out of his wrist. "What the" Peter said as he ran out of work quickly. As he got outside he said "what am I"? He said in a deep voice." Maybe I can be a super her-, yeah that's it! I can be a superhero,but what am I going to call myself"? In his apartment in the middle of New York. A very long time later he came up with an idea." I can call my self,"Thorne-man, yeah that's good". 1 day later. "Help, help me I'm getting robbed". The robbers were running to words the exit of the bank but all of a sudden "put the bag down losers" said Thorne-man."make us you creep,we're not scared of anyone hahaha right johnny" Next minute Thorne-man spun a Thorne and grappled the robbers and hung them up on top of the Empire State Building. Then the cops came.some of the people said "what is your name,superhero" "freeze the cops said. "What are you and what were you doing to them robbers"? Peter Thompson replied " for an answer, those robbers were about to rob the bank so I had to stop them, also all you need to know is that I am some superhero called Thorne-man" he said to the cops, and swung off into the city. In the demon spirits lab. "Who is this perfetic superhero,arrrr don't worry I will take care of him hahaha"
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