Madness. Just Madness. Today totally backfired. I went in to play hookie and just get a note and left with two bags of IV fluid pumping through me. It was incredibly interesting. I got pretty emotional because of it though. I really am so messed up. I think if I actually began to eat healthy and workout at like 5 am I would be much less tired. Also, I need to be going to sleep earlier. Jesus, please allow my mind, body, and soul to rest tonight. Thank You for allowing me to be professional when AJ Derby was testing me today too. There are always a billion things I can say thank You for. Tonight, Steph is one of them. Please allow her to rest in You. Allow her to have a good weekend and feel Your embrace. Jesus, I pray that tomorrow I would be totally focused as I begin to study for my bio lab exam. Jesus, please help me to understand the concepts and for everything to just click. Thank You for Brad and that he's coming to see me. I ask that we would have an awesome week and have some super cool discussions about You. Bless the time I'll have with Nathan and the time I'll get to see Mommy and Daddy. Jesus, allow us all to be emotionally filled by the end of the week. Slow me to rest well. Thank You that I have that capability. I pray Joey sleeps well tonight and isn't awake for hours tonight. Just let the man get some rest. I pray over camp and the things You're going to do this summer and with the people You're going to use. Jesus, Elizabeth. Help her hear you. Thanks for Ryan. I miss his friendship. I love You, Jesus. In Your name I pray. Amen.