перевести   12 лет назад

Happy Birthday Sienna! #birthday Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Sienna Haaaappy Biirthdaaay to yooou!!! Happy Happy Birthday Honey! Hope you have an amazing day and may this be the start of a year filled with love, joy and happiness. Stay strong, stay positive and may all your dreams continue to come true. Best Wishes! Thank you for beeing so nice to me, you've helped me since the first second, I'm so happy that I've got the chance to see how wonderful people are all over the world. Anyway are you're Texts really really good, i hope you continue you're work, because I think you can give with you awesome words a lot of inspiration and power. You make people feel better. Thank you for all here, even if I know you just since some days here in Opuss. I hope you've understand the text a little bit, you now my english is not really perfect Love you, Kisses @sjw

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