The girl Chapter 1 *His point of view* I walked through the dimly lot street lights. The whispers of the street vendors where the only voices hidden beneath the buzzes of the cars flying by like a tornado. I noticed an alley, and decided it was in the direction of my house. So I walked. Overtaken by darkness the alleyway was the perfect set for a Hollywood horror film. I ran as fast as I could trying to get away from the awful darkness but I tripped and a gasp was let out. My eyes scrambled around the room and I realized the gasp had not come from my own mouth. I looked into the darkness and squinted. "Who's there?" I yelped and a figure shifted away from me. A murmur. "Who are you?" I asked, my body violently shaking. "Get away," it was a girl. She sounded scared. I could tell by the violent trembling in her vocal chords. "I-I who are you?" I asked for the second time, sitting my body up against the rough brick wall. "You should go now," she said in a dark-sided authoritive voice as if to add "before I do something bad" I backed away. "Ok, ok" and started home. Who was she? Why was she there?
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