перевести   11 лет назад

A Last Breath 1. Nathaniel walked along the cold stretch of road, humming softly to himself as the lights of the solitary bar in the distance began to show. He wore a well-pieced suit and impeccable leather shoes, and his face clean-shaven. He bustled through the doors and sat down on an empty stool, promptly ordering a dry martini. Nathaniel hadn't taken his first sip when a woman sat down next to him. Too easy. "Hi handsome," she greeted, her words slurred from drinking all night. She placed a hand on his thigh. "What are you doing all alone, such a pretty boy you are?" "Waiting for a gorgeous lady like you." He smiled, such radiance emanating from his teeth, all perfect. Today, he was a bit tired and didn't feel like throwing compliments at her. He got straight to the point. "We should head over to your place for a bit of fun tonight." She squealed in delight. Probably had she never had such a man offer himself to her. She took Nathaniel's hand as they made their way out and hailed a taxi, leaving his poor martini untouched. They chatted a bit as they got to her house. Her name was Amanda and she owned a hair parlor. She lived by herself in a condo her parents paid for. He smiled politely, but her dull talk bored him. However, he couldn't resist glancing every once in a while at her breasts, which seemed to nearly pop out of her skintight dress. Even though he wasn't mortal, he was still male. Finally, they arrived at her building. He paid for the taxi and they made their way up to the fourth floor in the elevator. Amanda stared at Nathaniel provocatively, no doubt wishing they would arrive faster. As soon as they locked the door behind them, Amanda shoved Nathaniel on the couch and began to strip off her clothes, and he did them same. In no time they were having sex. After the pleasurable love making, Nathaniel was exhausted. This was so far the best sex he had had in a long time. But now that his fun was over, he had to complete his task, one of the sole reasons he did this nearly every week. He straddled Amanda. She moaned. "I need to do something, babe. Close your eyes." Nathaniel licked his lips as Amanda giggled and did as he told. In a second, his lips were on hers, like a kiss. But this wasn't like that. No, he wanted something more-her soul. At first, the young woman assumed it was a powerful make out session. But as she felt her insides start to clench and turn painful, she tried to push him away, to no avail. Her eyes began to bulge and she felt as if someone was choking her. Usually Nathaniel would not go all the way, but he found himself draining her #life force until she turned limp and no longer fought. "Fuck," he swore. When they died he had to think of a way to get rid of them. "Now I have to waste my time." He grabbed his clothes and fumbled to put them on. He grabbed her naked body and dragged it to the door. Cautiously peeking out and making sure no one was out, he hoisted her body over his shoulder. With quick movements and impressive agility, he made his way to the Dumpsters, still unseen. It was quite early, around two or three in the morning, and most people would be asleep. He roughly placed her in a black garbage bag, the stank getting to his nose. Today the garbage trucks would come and take her away. He made his way back up to her apartment, grabbing a few dollars he found on her dresser. He tidied himself up, fixing his hair to be immaculate and his clothes still neat. He had a long way back home.

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