Translate   11 years ago

Little Girl (I couldn't think of anything to write, so this is the short ending.) (Part 4) Today was my first day at Michigan High. At first, I couldn't find Mary, but after about an hour of waiting, there she was. With a short black skirt and blue T-shirt. It wasn't long before her eyes met mine. At first, she looked happy, then angry, very angry. She marched over to me and grabbed my arm, dragging me into the janitors closet behind me. "What's the big idea?" I sniffed the musty air. "Mike, you can't be here. You'll blow my cover." "No I won't! I swear!" I pondered what horrible thing she would do to me. I felt cold metal at my neck, then a slight tingling sensation. A sudden light blinded my eyes as I was thrown back out into the crowded hallway. As my eyes adjusted, I noticed every pair of eyes on me. I threw my hand to my neck, bringing it away soaked in thick black blood. I quickly healed it without thinking. "He-he's a-a- a VAMPIRE!" Someone shouted from the crowd. The sea of teenagers mobbed me before I could run away. I felt fists at my rib cadge, and fingers pulling my hair. Then I heard her, Mary. She was in my head again, reading my mind and speaking to me. "I may have lied." She began, "a vampire can't kill another vampire, but angry villagers can." She laughed an innocent laugh. Then her voice was replaced by shouting and the sharp jabbing of pencils. Or, if you must call them, tiny wooden stakes. Finally, for the last time, my world had gone dark again...

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