Translate   12 years ago

Feel The Sun Yesterday I learned the importance of not sweating the small stuff. ---- I have been working hard for med school exams for weeks now. For me, that means spending all day every day shut inside, pouring over my books and flashcards. Don't get me wrong, I love my work. But for the first time in my #life, I have been struggling to find motivation. My work ethic has always been something I am proud of, but it has been failing me for these past few weeks. This caused me quite a large degree of distress. Am I lazy? Am I taking my education for granted? In the middle of a crisis, my dearest friend payed me a surprise visit. Against my will, she forced me to abandon my books and go out exploring for the day. We walked around London for maybe 6 hours. When I returned, I found myself eager to learn again. It turns out that all I really needed was to feel the sun.

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