Translate   12 years ago

The Room His office, if you could call it that, was an absolute tip. I would have put it under the workshop category personally. I'd never spent much time in the DT block, it wasn't something that interested me, at the time. I imagine it would have been a good sized room, had it not been so cluttered. There was a distinct smell of sawdust and oil. I sneezed as the tiny grains of wood tickled my nose. There were saws, drills, cable ties, paint, nails, just dumped by careless students, on the numerous work benches. The whole left hand wall, floor to ceiling, was covered in shelving in which wood was stored. In the centre something shiny caught my eye on a cluttered worktop. A circular saw. It's blades sharp and fresh. I stood in the small space available, taking in my new surroundings. I'd always wondered what was in this room.

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