Hopeless I, Allison McOwenson, am very mad. That idiot thinks he can just walk over like he's the king of the world and demand that we obey him like dogs and do everything he wants. Just because he thinks he's so perfect. Jerk. Schools over now. He's mine. It's going to be easy. I go over there, beat him up, get arrested, get bailed out (again), and do the same thing to different people until I turned 18 and could go to jail. What was the point of following all the rules if everyone's given up on you? Jackson left. I don't know why mom and dad still get me out. Everyone at school stares at me and whispers when I walk by. Luke, that idiot that I'm about to beat up, tried to use some lame pickup lines on me, a prissy popular girl, Grace, heard and tripped me. Once I reached Luke's house, I checked my reflection in the mirror, black hair perfect, clothes perfect, makeup perfect. So I went up and rang the doorbell. When he opened he looked happy to see me for a tiny second, then slipped back into his cool, I'm to good for you look. "I need to talk to you," I said. "Why me?" He asked. " I don't have anyone else, you're the new kid. You don't hate me yet. Can we walk down to the park, it's kind of awkward sitting on the porch," I replied. Eventually we got to the park. When his back was turned, and no one was near us, I tried to hit him with a branch I found on the ground, but he turned and grabbed my wrist. "Saw your shadow," he said as he took hold of my other wrist. So I jumped and pushed my feet into his chest and he fell over. "Why are you so mad Allison, is it because I'm a better fighter than you?" He says, mocking me. "Says the one on the ground!" I yell as I step closer to him. Bad move. He trips me and I fall down. And he stands up. "Now who's on the ground!" He Says triumphantly. "You can go now. You beat me. It's over," I mutter. "Your wish is my command, your majesty," he says sarcastically as he walks away. "Go ahead and give up on me. Everyone eventually does," I whisper to myself. "Allison, I understand! Just talk to me!" Whoops he heard. "No one understands! Go back to your perfect #life! You already won. Go away!" I say as I get up and run toward the woods surrounding the forest. "Allison! Come back!" *Luke's POV* After an hour of searching I go home to get a flashlight and my brother, Jake. Eventually we found her curled in a ball asleep and took her home. Her parents didn't even care about her. She has a majorly messed up #life. After we made sure she was safe, Jake and I went home. The second we got out of the car, he asked, "She your girlfriend?" I just ran to my room and locked my door. Why do I care about her? Eventually I went to sleep. ~~~~~Next Chapter~~~~~ I should really make a list of everyone who needs to get beaten up and cross them off as I go along. Would save me a lot of time. Luke gets a pardon for now since he at least pretends to care about my stupid #life. (And because he is a good fighter. Where the heck did he learn to fight like that????) Next would be Grace because she just deserves it. Then her minions, Sasha and Natalie. They're just weird. Speaking of weird, Jason keeps staring at me. He's next. Nathan would be number 5 because he's grace's boyfriend. It's not that I hate him, it's just that he's stupid enough to date grace. ---After School--- I cant find Grace, Sasha, and Natalie. I'll save them for later. Jason sounds fun. I need a distraction from everything else. Okay, found him. "Hey Jason, I need to talk to you." "That's so weird! I needed to talk to you to! Lets drive over to my house! I'll meet you there!" That guy is weird. At least there won't be that many witnesses at his house. --- At Jason's House--- "Allison! Thank god you made it! I need to tell you something but its not safe here! We need to go to the backyard! Come on!" Weird kid. I wonder what's so important? When we got to the garden, he said, "I saw you go to Luke's house yesterday. Are you dating him?" "Never! He's such a jerk! Is that all you needed to ask me? I hate him!" I yelled. I have major anger management problems. "Good. He's not who you think he is. Well, he is what YOU think he is, but there's something else. Don't trust him. He's dangerous," he replied, unfazed by my anger towards him. "Why are you telling me this?" I asked, still trying to keep my emotions under control. He looked deep into my eyes and said, "Because. . . I really like you Allison. I know you barely know me, but every day I look over and you look so beautiful, and I can't help but have feelings for you. Will you be my girlfriend?" I stared at him on disbelief. He's probably just going to use me to get someone else. Nobody cares about me. I'm that girl everybody hates. But if he does really care. . . ---Jason's POV--- I just told her everything. She's the reason I live! She always pushes everyone away, she needs someone to talk to. Suddenly, she takes a step forward and says. . . ~~~~~Next Chapter~~~~~ ---Jason's POV--- Her icy blue eyes look up at me and she leans closer to me. Is she going to kiss me? She'll be my girlfriend?! Then she whispers, "No. I don't trust anybody." Then she pushes me so I trip over a flowerpot and kicks me when I'm down. And I thought the worst she could do was say no. She'll date me eventually true love always finds a way. --- Allison's POV--- He thought I was going to kiss him. He'll learn eventually that I don't trust ANYBODY and then he'll move on. That's the way it always is. A few more rounds and he'll give up. Predictable. Nathan is probably out with Grace and the Minions. Might as well go home. I really need to find something to do after I beat people up. It used to be fun, but now it's routine. Most girls would find a boyfriend. If anyone I'd choose Luke. Right then someone steps out in front of me. ---Luke's POV--- Where's Allison! I need to find her! She can't go home! Found her. So I step in front of her. "Allison! You can't go home!" "Why not?" "Trust me! Just this once! You can't go home!" Then she kisses me. ~~~~~Next Chapter~~~~~ ---Allison's POV--- For future reference: kissing someone is a great way to distract them. While Luke was still frozen from surprise, I ran past him and to my house. When he realized I was gone, he snapped out of it and chased after me. But it was to late. I just stood there, stunned from what I saw. ---Luke's POV--- She kissed me! Do I like her? She's smart, she's funny, she's cute, she's. . . Gone? She must have run past me! As I ran to go get her, I saw someone glaring at me out of the corner of my eye. Do I know him? No time for that. I need to stop Allison! ---Jason's POV--- Allison just kissed New Guy! And he kissed her back! She must have just been using him! WE were meant to be together! Luke is dangerous! But she'd never believe me if I told her! Now where'd she go? ~~~~~Next Chapter~~~~~ ---Allison's POV--- There was an ambulance in front of our house, carrying someone out in a stretcher, the sheet over their head. Dad was standing nearby, talking to an old, slightly bald police officer. But I couldn't find mom. Nevermind, I take that back. She's the dead one in the stretcher. ---Luke's POV--- Too late. She already figured it out. "How could you not tell me about my mom!" She said, turning to face me. I said nothing, just looked down at my feet. "ANSWER ME RIGHT NOW LUKE OR YOU AREN'T MAKING IT HOME ALIVE!!! THAT'S A PROMISE!!!" Finally, I answered, "There is no excuse in the world for not telling you. Please forgive me Allison!" Then she broke down, covered her face with her hands, and cried. ---Jason's POV--- He kissed her, then made her cry, and now he's hugging her? He doesn't REALLY care about her, does he! If Allison knew who he REALLY was, she'd love me more. Right as I move to separate Allison and Luke, she kicks him in the soft spot and he doubles over in pain. I'm not stupid enough to get in a fight with him. He'd win easy. So I follow Allison instead. ---Allison's POV--- Mom is dead. Gone. Expired. This is just a stupid dream. At least I got to push people around. Suddenly someone came up behind me. Jason. ---Jason's POV--- When she turns around, I get ready to block punches. But she just looks into my eyes and says, "I know I was horrible and mean to you and I just want to say I'm sorry. I think I may have feelings for you. If you are willing to accept me after what I put you through, I would gladly be your girlfriend. Please consider it!" ~~~~~Next Chapter~~~~~ ---Allison's POV--- I'm not ACTUALLY going to date him. I'll just make him and Luke do what I want and probably embarrass them both in the process. Starting with cheating on Jason with Luke. He'll just deny its my fault and blame Luke. Luke, who was standing behind Jason when I said I'll date him, will gladly let me cheat and break Jason's heart. This could get very interesting. ---Luke's POV--- She's going to DATE him?! If he tells her what he knows about me, it'll ruin my chances with her! I can't lose her! She's ALLISON! So I run home and punch my pillow until the doorbell rings. Jake answers the door and yells, "Luke! Your girlfriend is here! She wants to talk to you!" Allison? Why does she want to talk to me? She already chose Jason! ---Allison's POV--- The second his brother leaves the room, he asks, "What do you want?" And my reply is, "to break his heart." Then he looks at me and his olive green eyes lighten. I could just stare at them forever. What's wrong with me? I need to get a grip. So I tell him my plan. ~~~~~New Chapter~~~~~ ---Luke's POV--- I love her. She's always been perfect, she's always been tough, she's always been. . . Allison. I'll lose her eventually, but for now, I just want to be her everything. She wouldn't be telling me all this if she didn't like me back! This is REAL! I need her! ---Allison's POV--- He's been drifting off and not paying attention this entire time, I need to figure out what the heck is going on! When I get up to leave, I trip over his backpack, and all his stuff falls out. I quickly put everything back in, and sprint to my car. The second he can't see me, I pull out his phone that I stole when I was shoving everything back into his backpack, and read the texts on his phone. I read every one from this guy named Mark. And then I drive as fast as I can away.
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