Translate   11 years ago

Doctor Who: Birth Of Shadow I wrote the beginning of a Doc. Who script, is this A) long enough and good (Piercing scream breaks the silent night) (Image flashes into one of a house) (Mother and Father of a child are being restrained by shadows) Mother: Katy! Katy: Mummy! (Starts to cry) Mother: Don't cry now, Katy, it will be okay (Katy cries harder) Mother: (Turns round) Let go of me! Can't you see my child is crying! Let me comfort her! (Shadow man stays silent) Mother: Answer me, you freak!(starts struggling) Father: Mary! Stop! (Mother stops struggling) (Pauses) Katy, (in hushed voice) hush now, we'll be okay...(Katy stops crying, hanging onto every word her father says, snivelling) (Mother and father are taken away) (Katy starts crying again) Father: Katy,(trying to sound brave but is actually choking up) please... (He is then shoved into truck) (Police sirens in the distance, but the kidnappers ignore them) (Police arrive) (Walks over to police) Policeman: Let the people go! (Kidnappers step towards them) We have guns and we’re not afraid to use them! (Keeps walking) Hands up! (They comply) That's right... Now just let them (kidnappers disappear) where are you! Kidnappers: (from shadow) We're here... (Police man turns to face the shadow) And here... (They turn again) And here (they turn again) (voice comes from everywhere) We’re everywhere... Policeman: come out and face me! Voice: but I already have... (Policeman turns around) (kidnappers there) Policeman: W-wha-what are you? Voice: you want to know who I am... Well, I'm known by many names... The predator, death-bringer, even the walking dead... But I prefer... The Shadow... Policeman: w-w-what are you going to do with me? The Shadow: Well... I'm going to show you my face... (Slowly takes off mask)( back to camera) Policeman: My God... (Traces face with finger) (Suddenly, other policeman start to scream) (they start to turn to turn to stone and crumble into shadows) What are you doing to them?! Answer me! The Shadow: Ha Ha Ha... You don't need to know... The Doctor is coming... Goodbye... Lance... Lance: How? (Get punched and goes flying back into the wall, wall crumbles a little) (He absorbs the shadows) The Shadow: Child... If you EVER want to see your parents again... Bring us... The Doctor... (Truck starts to drive off, Tardis noise starts) Goodbye, Child... Bring him to us... He will be hear soon...(he disappears) (Katy starts to cry) (Tardis arrives) Doctor: Thankyou... (Walks over to girl) It will be okay... (Theme Tune) I will continue this... Stay tuned!!! (Unless you didn't like it

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