Dream Boy Chapter 2: On the phone to Lily. So I thought to myself,, ''some one help me out. When I get down there to see this pet shop" so I said yes I will see you when is it open. The girl replies'' 9:30pm it is open can't wait to see you''. So I went down there. I see the pet shop well it is nice I go in, this woman was there it was Lily's mum called Vicky so I said" Hello'' Then I think about it, didn't I say that in my dream,, Then Vicky said hello thank you for coming. So I helped her out everything was a same way before has it was in my head the whole time. Then something bad happened were is Lily, Vicky ask I said I don't know lets have a look around I said. Vicky said ok if you find her say I am looking for her. I said ok I will do that for you. I will find her for you. I like Vicky she has this hot red hair and blue eyes. It feels wrong but good to help her out. That was my insides talking I am in love with this hot woman so that is why I helped her. So I helped my boss out I was looking for her then Vicky shouts help. I heard crying I said to myself . So I ran and ran to were it was Lily and Vicky has been caught by some men. What to do I said to myself. So I went up to them like a man will do and I said let them go. They said I won't it is a bad dream For you. He laughed at me. I shouted to him why are you laughing at me. He shouted do you know who you are talking to? I said I don't know you but I now one thing. I have a dream that is powered over yours I shouted to him. He said let the dream gate open. The dream gate is opening and fast. What to do the dream boy said to himself.

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