Break: (it's good) I can't describe it, I'm... I'm just standing there. And. It's not like any thing's stopping me, And it's not like any things making me... But I just don't move. I didn't expect this, I mean, I thought maybe we could make it work, You know, how adults seem to be able to? How they kind of, patch things together? But I'm really not mature enough to do that, I guess. And - hey - neither are you, it turns out. But I don't hold that against you, It's charming. But I kind of wanted this (if it ever happened) To be ridiculous, painful, and As though we were being ripped apart By the tides of each star, And the rain should pour down us, Hiding every tear, yet magnifying it in every way, And leaving us cold and alone, Clutching the remains of who we are In shaking, grabbing hands. Who are we now? Just two strangers who loved each other Not five minutes ago. It's grey sky, six o clock, slight chance of frost In the crisp air, And rush hour is just ending. So... What now? I can't stand here forever. I can't keep blinking, breathing, nodding, Taking it in, I have to exist elsewhere, At some point, And go on another hot, embarrassed date, Reaching out with sweaty hands For another, which fits A little better than the last In my own. I should be feeling pain, right now. Do you? I think you do. I think you're sadder than me, Because you always said I fixed you; I made you better. You said once that I made you a man, And I smiled and wiped the ink off your cheek With my thumb, glowing. And here you are: a man, Ending this. I always thought maybe we'd have babies And a beautiful blue house with a porch And matching cutlery, But now, I'm back here, 'Single' And I don't feel like I want that anymore Unless its with you, But... I don't want you back, but, Oh hey, come on, I'm rambling. Get on with it! Smile, Nod, come on, And say "maybe it's for the best..." Now leave. That's good. It's good.
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