Traduzir   12 anos atrás

To You I have had to harden myself to be able to cope these last few months. I have gone too far with it. I need to be able to untwist and un-shield a little. I can't do that with you around. I just put on more armour because I know u will hurt me. It was different at the start. Not amazing like you claimed, but fine. Nice. Then you twisted into an angry sharp pointy thing. That jabbed holes in me. Little at first. Then bigger, always striving for a reaction. So I put on armour. More and more the worse you became. But u always found a chink. I wasn't against you. I was with you. You twisted yourself and jabbed at me. Over and over. But now you are getting better u can't understand, can't see the damage u have caused. Because I have put on armour. A lot of armour. To cover the holes and wounds you have caused. And I have twisted myself up inside. To hide. Now I'm harsh and distant. You put me here. And still you jab. And I have nothing left.

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