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Chapter 2 "Emma! Wake up!" Justin shouts as he shakes her frantically. Emma's eyes slowly open. "Whattt?" She moans. She looks around and realizes the plane has landed. "Did I fall asleep or something?" "No, you hit your head when the plane jut forward a bit." She touches her head and feels the bandage wrapped around it. "Did I black out or something?" "Yeah. Your head was pretty bloody." "Oh. Ow." "Well we can talk about this later. We have to get off the plane now." Emma stands up and grabs her backpack. Wow. This is going pretty bad so far. She struggles to get her backpack on as her brother gets the luggage. He hands her her suitcases which she almost drops because its so heavy. "Let's go," the brother says quietly. Emma nods her head. They wait in the line of people who are also trying to get off the plane. "Grrr." Emma thinks to herself. She tries to think of the positives but she just can't. "I loved my #life at sunny California, but now I have to suffer a year here at New Jersey," Emma thinks to herself. "Why couldn't our dad just stay in state?" They both get off the plane and walk through the tunnel. "We should probably call a cab," Justin suggest. "Yeah," she says as she pulls her phone out of her pocket. Emma takes a seat in one of the chairs as she calls a taxi. After a five minute phone conversation, she hangs up the phone and grabs her bag. "Let's go wait near the door. Our taxi number is 76," Emma says. When they get up to the front door, they wait. Suddenly they hear a loud scream and next thing they know, Emma is on the ground.

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