Translate   11 years ago

Doubt. When it comes to sexuality, You're as biased as you are pious. Still I try to understand your mentality; Doesn't the Bible TEACH morality? Leviticus describes agony, Punishment through human tragedy. People are killed for blasphemy, And stoned for homosexuality. When will you see this as insanity? And before you say it: They're NOT confused, This is not something that you choose. Your voice, however, is a choice. So don't misuse it - you might lose it, Please don't abuse it - or use religion to excuse it. Please stop praying for healing and Instead start showing true feeling. Only, the more I rant, The more your belief augments, Which leaves you hellbent On trying to get me to repent To a God whom I find abhorrent. You want them to get into heaven You think that'll learn them their lesson If you're so strong in your religion, And you're such a 'good christian', And your God forgives any malign sentiment, Why are you afraid of a simple statement? Why won't you think for once and listen? Expecting me to respect a religion That treats gays with condescension. I'll stay forever stuck in this contention, And I'll always wonder if you ever paid attention To my side.

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