SORROW IN MY HEART "I'm OK. I'm FeeLiNg Ok.... BUt, Deep DoWn, TheRe's a RAGE aGainSt the MachiNE. BUt, I just LAUGH in the face of gOd; - what will be will be.. I cannot say what tomorrow will bring And who cares if BLUE BIRDS don't sing... But I do know one thing; I'm not here for your pleasure, your sanity, or your game... I came To this eARTh; born, with a NAME. I HAD NO fancy over who you were... What or why... But you groomed me, then simPLy LefT mE to DiE..,. I'm OK, I'm FiNe. " I have no idea..." " and I'm shy..." LeAve Me AloNe. LeT me FrEE. AnD mAy sUffeRing be know to yOu, Like a swarm to a bee...