Question Of The Day: What If #life Becomes Too Much? I have many questions that puzzle me and I've decided to start posting them because you guys could help! I've recently become in contact with another #depression sufferer, via mutual friends and she's a star. We're helping each other and she makes me feel like there is an end to this darkness. We confide in each other and help one another out. We also ask each other endless questions but we come across some that neither of us have the answer to.. 'WHAT IF LIFE BECOMES TOO MUCH?' Well the simple answer for me is.. I don't know. I don't honestly know what happens? Although I've been diagnosed with #depression, I haven't yet felt, and never hope I feel, like #life has become to much. But I did some research and many answers said that people may commit suicide or get sectioned or hide away.. Many extreme things and I want to stop these things happening. So I've devised 10 tips, along with Electra my new friend, to help if you're feeling like #life has become too much. 1. Eat healthier; research shows the eating healthier can boost your mood and make you more positive. Many teenagers sufferering #depression as a result of bullies is sourced by a weight problem so having a healthier diet will give you a healthier body image. 2. Get enough sleep; many people don't have the recommended dose of sleep so can wake up feeling exhausted and endure a day of being short tempered. So get enough sleep and feel more positive. 3. Clear out; do you hoard things? Do you take part in too many activities? Do you have too many friends on Facebook? Do you spend too much time on Twitter? Clearing out items you have hoarded helps you feel more positive and tidy about things. Cutting back on activities can make you feel in control again and lower stress levels. A simple thing like deleting people off of Facebook can make you feel better as you're essentially clearing out unwanted people. And deactivating Twitter could make you feel more positive and give you more time to channel your emotions and feel better. 4. Talk to somebody you trust; whether it be a close friend, a teacher or a parent.. Talking to someone can relieve stress and emotions that have built up. These people will want to help and support you through the hard stages in your #life.. A problem shared is a problem halved. 5. Be truthful; being truthful means you have no heaviness on your conscience and feelings of guilt or feeling like someone may find out that you've lied. #depression can make someone feel heavily guilty anyway so lying will just add to that. Don't lie and don't live in fear of consequences. 6. Make someone else feel happy; ever made someone smile? Ever complimented someone and they've replied 'aw that made my day!' Well remember the feeling of making someones day and how happy you felt. Complimenting people and generally being a nice person can help you feel happier as well as making others feel the same. Share happiness! 7. Wake up and smile; smiling releasing a hormone in your body which makes you feel happier. It also reduces frown lines as well so who wouldn't want to smile? Smile, look younger, feel happier. 8. Learn to love yourself; tell yourself that you're beautiful. Don't compare yourself to others and certainly don't say someone else is better than you, everyone is beautiful in their own way. Learn to like your body image and your face, get a unique sense of style and feel comfortable wearing it. The more respect you give yourself the more respect others will give you. 9. Meet deadlines; nothing worse than getting to school and your friends asking if you've done the Science homework which you completely forgot about. A sense of accomplishment can make you feel better and take away the burden of needing to rush work at the last minute. Completing work on deadlines also gives you a sense of freedom which everyone likes. 10. Ignore the comments; learn to block the comments people make. Learn to not let them bother you. Don't let other peoples remarks change you or how you do things. Everyone was born an individual and no one has the right to change that. Live your #life! The people who make fun of you aren't people worth the time of day. I'm no expert but I am a #depression sufferer and I know these things have helped improve my moods. Stay strong and things will get better. Love to you all and if you have any advice drop them in the comments below! Velvet x x
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