Translate   11 years ago

Chasing Memories - Jin Aizawa: Present Present day Azabu... "Mr. Aizawa, the head of the company would want to see you next Monday," "Schedule it 2 PM." "Okay and Ms. Kuniko called to tell you that she wants to see you tonight," "Call her back and say 7PM." "Yes sir." "Anything else?" "Oh, none. I'll leave you to your work now, excuse me." Jin watched his nerdy assistant leave his office before resuming his paperwork. It's been two years since he took over the IT company his father built from the ground up. Aizawa Tech Industries have been the leading IT conglomerate in Japan for almost a decade now, and Jin is finally spearheading the company years after his father retired. Jin Aizawa is now 28, young, rich and very much driven to surpass what his father had done. He was steadfast, very serious and does not fool around with anyone in his office. His own employees are scared of him, but their respect towards him is immense as compared to his tyrant father, Jin was supremely benevolent, except when they don't do their jobs the way Jin wanted. It's been long since Jin left Okinawa and never had the time to return since he studied college in the UK and came back several years ago. Oftentimes he'd wonder if his old neighborhood was still the same; if the usual neighbors who usually paid his mother a visit were still there or even alive, if his old school was still even the same, if the old man he used to play pranks on was still breathing.... ...or if his mother and a certain someone was still there. With a sigh, Jin leaned back on his leather swivel chair, the one his father usually sat on and looked up at the ceiling. "Akira...", he whispered to himself. Jin held his phone in his hand and opened a secret folder app. In one folder contained photos of him and a very pretty girl with kohl brown hair, cat-like amber eyes, red lips and light freckles on the bridge of her nose and cheeks. Jin stared at the photos intently, swiping each and remembering the memories that came along with them. He could feel a dull pain within his chest and he closed the app immediately, looking at his home screen photo of a necklace with an eight pendant in gold. "I wonder if you are still wearing it..", said Jin, only to be disrupted out of his thoughts when his phone rang. The call was from Kuniko Oda, his.... he doesn't even know what they are. "Do you like seeing me like this? Dirty and pretty horny?" Jin was laying on his back, watching Kuniko ride him like a horse. Breasts bouncing and her hips grinding, she looked down at Jin lewdly and he merely stared back, looking as if his mind was somewhere else. Kuniko stopped humping him, aware of what's going on. "Why did you stop?", asked Jin, placing his hands on her hips and making her body grind itself on his manhood. Kuniko allowed herself to be used by Jin, however, even though she was flushed from their sex, the disappointment on her face was evident. "It's that woman again, isn't it?", she panted, leaning her torso on his. "The one with the amber eyes." Jin didn't answer but started to fuck her with her on top as he moved his hips. Clapping noises accompanied with Kuniko's moans and Jin's feeble grunts were heard all throughout the hotel room, however, Kuniko tried to wedge herself from Jin's pummeling. "No-- Jin, stop-- talk to me--" "What the hell do you want? I'm fucking you right now and you want to talk?" "Who is that woman anyway?? Why is it you're not interested in me-- in our sex and well, me??" Jin turned Kuniko on her back and thrust into her missionary-style, holding her legs up his arms. The bed rocked backed and forth slightly as Jin moved and Kuniko's questioning was drowned out. "Aren't you satisfied to have my cock ram you over and over right now that you demand more from what I am giving you now?", asked Jin, sweat trickling down his face. "B--But-- I want to be more than sex to you. Jin, you haven't even kissed me ever since we met! Whenever I try, you always look away or walk away from me then kick me out of your apartment!", panted Kuniko. "I'm cumming--" Jin felt himself cumming too. "I told you I don't want any emotional bullshit troubling me, Kuniko. Why is that so hard to understand?" Jin then grunted, released his load into Kuniko and she came too, shuddering underneath him. He pulled out from her, carefully removed the condom he had on and threw it in the bathroom, emerging wearing a robe after a quick bath. Kuniko watched Jin dry himself and dress up. They met at a company party and his father was personally the one who introduced Kuniko to Jin. Her father is his father's partner in business and obviously, an arranged marriage was in place, however, since Jin's father already retired, the arrangement was no longer taken into account since Jin immediately took over. Kuniko usually went to Jin, waiting for him at work and even just waiting for him at the restaurant where he usually ate. Since then, people have mistaken them for an item, but Jin didn't really care. Not even bothering to clarify the gossip that was circulating about them, he simply just didn't show any interest, where as Kuniko was all over him, parading Jin as her boyfriend but knew as well he didn't favor her. The fact she's being affiliated with one of the richest and most successful bachelors in Azabu was a prestige and Kuniko wanted Jin to herself by agreeing to give him sex whenever he felt it. To Jin, Kuniko is a good lay, but his feelings wouldn't dare show interest in someone like her. She was just someone he'll use to get the fuck feelings out of his system, however he wasn't after anything else. Kuniko got up naked from the bed, walked over to Jin and embraced him from behind. "Please Jin... It's unfair. All the men who are after me, I turned them all down for you...", she wheedled. Jin didn't show any emotion on his face as he buttoned his shirt in front of the mirror. He extricated himself from Kuniko's embrace without saying anything, but she just followed him, looking clearly upset. "Jin! Please!! Why can't it be me???" Jin put on his shoes and put on his blazer. He gave Kuniko a cold glance. "Why? Because you're nothing to me. You're just someone who keeps me company in bed for a few hours. Do you think you deserve to be taken seriously by me?", said Jin, taking his phone and pocketing it. "You to me are nothing but a common slut, but in your case, you just happen to be rich. If you want a man to take you seriously, find someone else." Jin walked past her, but Kuniko ran to him, tears trickling down her cheeks as she embraced him from behind, stopping Jin from leaving her. "It's her, right?? That woman? Please Jin, we've been through this before! I love you! This is how it's always been! You fucking me then leaving me alone in this cold room! You don't even want to try to have something with me!" Kuniko made Jin face her, and all she saw in his dark brown eyes were nothing but cold and no sliver of warmth at all. "Please Jin... Love me... You used my body over and over again and I let you because I love you...", she muttered, cupping the sides of his face in her hands. She tiptoed and leaned in to kiss him, but Jin didn't let her. Jin took her wrists and lowered her hands, averting his face from hers. "Idiot." "W--what.??" Jin felt disgust overrule him and he just narrowed his eyes at Kuniko. He knew how much she loved him, but he hardly felt anything for her. She was nothing to him but a means to put an end to his bodily urges when it hits. Their sex was great, but Jin hardly felt satisfied. "I don't love you. You're nothing to me. And yes, it's that woman; it has always been her, and it will ONLY be her, Kuniko. Until I find her again, you will just serve as some toy for me to use." Jin scoffed at Kuniko. "I have made myself clear before that you cannot kiss me, and I do believe I did make myself clear on that right? Look, if you still want me to see you, stop demanding when you are not even in the place to do so." As he let her go, he looked at her before going out the door. "That woman was made for me, Kuniko. She is the one who will only have all of me. Save yourself and learn. That woman is the only one I want--" "BUT YOU HAVEN'T EVEN FOUND HER YET!", screamed Kuniko in frustration. "What makes you so sure she's still alive??!!!" Jin opened the door and listened to Kuniko's ragged sobs. "I don't care. She's out there and I know she's waiting for me too. We belong together and I know she is waiting for me." Kuniko felt her heart sink. "Am I not worthy enough?" Jin didn't show any other emotion. "You are not what I want. I hope you understand. You're really nothing to me but some play thing." Jin left the hotel room and could hear faint sobs coming from where he came from. There was no guilt nor any regret, not even a trace of conscience etched on his handsome features. The drive back to his home was blank, as he only had feeble hopes in his heart that somewhere, Akira might also be wondering where he is now. Jin placed his phone on the dash and called a number, anxiety building in his system. "Have you found anything?", he asked as soon as the number picked up. "Those are all her details so I think you should be able to--" "Mr. Aizawa.... Are you sure of the name? Akira Gojo?" "Yes. Why the hell wouldn't I be?" This can't be good, thought Jin. Gripping the steering wheel tighter, he felt his insides constrict. Why the sudden question? He had hired one of the best investigators in Azabu and paid good money to track down Akira's whereabouts, however, hearing the investigator sound unsure was a bad sign. On the other line, he heard some rustling of papers and a sigh. "I managed to only retrieve few information about the person you are looking for," "That's good then, even if it's few." "The last record of her in Okinawa was a hospital--" "Wait-- a hospital??" "Er, yes. A hospital record." Jin felt the anxiety worsen now. His insides started to churn. Hospital record, huh? That can't be good. "Could it be.... a pregnancy or she gave birth or something?", Jin asked though he didn't like it. It's been years anyway, so probably Akira met someone there and already started a family. But Jin knew Akira too well. Both of them believed they were made for each other. It took a while before the investigator answered. "She was confined after an accident. I have in my possession her hospital records, but the Okinawan statistics office couldn't produce any other records of her." "Did you ask the hospital what had happened?" "The doctors and nurses who watched her were mum and told me they couldn't disclose information, however," Jin finally arrived at his apartment and got out of his car. He knew at some point he will be needing a beer after. "The janitor told me that after a visit from a man while she was confined, Akira suddenly disappeared the next day and was never heard from again."

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