Translate   11 years ago

The ground beneath me starts to crumble just as I was starting to feeling safe. Terror strikes the very essence of my being and turns me into something far beyond sane. An ear piercing scream echoes around the empty field and makes me want to cover my ears; only to realize that it was my own. Another crack sends shock waves down my spine, but I daren't move. One movement would trigger the ground to give way. How stupid I was to have stumbled right into a trap. My #life seemed to replay right before my eyes as the full force of what was going to happen hit me square in the face. If I didn't come up with some genius plan of escape right now; I would die. And thats when something in the corner of my eye caught my attention. A small apple tree was fruiting just a few meters away, with lots of apples on it. In the amount of time that is commonly known as a split second I calculated the exact percentage

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