Ours It was August 15, 2011, the Monday before school started back up. I was sleeping over at Meghan, one if my good friend's houses. She brings you up and I remember you from your visit over the summer. First time I thought about you sense then. She talks about how cute you are and how she just got your number. She starts texting you, talking to me about how she likes you even though t was the first time y'all had ever really talked. I decided to check you out, see if I approve. She gives me your number, we texted that night for awhile, you seemed like a cool guy, a bit full if yourself though. Talk more over the next few days, learn we have a lot in common. Last school year I got used and rejected by a guy I really liked, and I was still completely obsessed with him. You had a girlfriend who went off to college and broke up with you. We helped each other through the hard times, became good friends, I could talk to you about anything, you could talk to me about anything. Got more personal, learned each other's secrets, our wishes. Soon after, you text me, telling me about Meghan asking you out. It hurts a little but I congratulate you and say "I hope you said yes." You said you told her it would have to be an open relationship, because you liked me. I pretend to disapprove for my friend's sake, saying how you should like her instead, I'm secretly very pleased that you like me too.

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