Translate   12 years ago

Little Girl (Part 3) I stared into the glassy eyes of Mary. Mary who attempted to kill me, Mary who ran through the halls like a little angel, Mary who once was a doll. "You." She repeated. "I want you, Mike." I took a step back. She smiled a crooked and jagged grin. "I want my knife back now." Mary held her hand out and slowly stepped toward me. I could tell she was about to pounce like a cat, and eat the mouse whole... "Back!" I jabbed the knife at her. She put her arms up and pretended to be scared, but she continued to walk closer. "I said back!" I was shouting. "I can do more magic than potato bags you know, I've been practicing as my time of a doll." Mary flicked her wrist and the door behind me closed and locked. Oh no, I thought as the knife in my hand began to vibrate and pull. "No!" I pulled back as hard as I could on the knife, but it slipped out of my hand like a drop of water out of a faucet. "Now." Mary said calmly, examining her knife, "let the fun begin." Suddenly, before I could blink, the knife was stuck in the door, maybe only two inches from my head. "There is no escaping, Mike." "You think I don't know that? I remember the school basement, where you stabbed me and cut me. I remember everything." "Well do you remember how old I was?" I thought for a second. "Seven, right?" She threw the knife again, but I ducked and missed it. "Who knows," she laughed, "it was a lie!" I was scared to ask her real age, but part of me had to know. "How old are you? Really?" "Um... About...7092 or 93, who cares anyway. I'm gonna be here for your great great grand kids. And maybe even theirs." "What are you?" I was shaking but I hoped it wasn't noticeable. "Isn't it obvious?" Her white dress suddenly turned as black as night. "A vampire." She said after I didn't answer. "How did I not know that?" I sighed, prepared to die on the spot. "That is how you got to where I was so fast, why you like it when I bleed, but one thing I don't get," I dodged another knife,"why me?" "Do you know what kind of blood you have?" She took a step closer. "No." I said. She frowned and looked me in the eye. "Liar." "I'm not lying!" She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "-AB, isn't it?" "So?" I gave up. "So, it's rare, and tastes amazing." "How did you know that, not about the taste, but my blood?" "I'm kinda rare myself. I can read thoughts and see into some parts of the future. But only for a second or two." She lunged at me, biting my arm. "Ow!" I screamed. She licked the blood off her lips. "Mike! Mike! Are you okay, Mike?" My parents were screaming at the door. I didn't feel like answering. "I'm not a blood donor! You can't have my blood! I need it!" I shouted at Mary. "No, but soon you'll be doing what I do. Drinking that fine red liquid." "Never!" My finger nails grew long and sharp, Sharp teeth sprouted from my gums. I grew pale and my dark hair turned black. "I--won't!" I shouted and struggled to keep hold of my true self. "It's no use struggling. That will just make the toxin move through the veins faster." Mary tucked the knife away so it wasn't visible. I gasped for air as I realized she was right. I calmly walked over to Maggie's bed and sat on the comforter. I looked at my feet and watched as my tan skin got cold and almost albino white. I turned my attention to Mary. She looked taller now, about my age. "It will be over soon." She looked slightly sad toward my discomfort. "Look," a smile spread across her face as she pulled up my bloody wrist. "Isn't that kinda cool." My eyes grew wide. There were no marks or blood or anything. Just a layer of thin pale skin. I laughed at how scared I was. Just then I truly looked up into Mary's eyes. She was beautiful dark hair and pale, like me, but her eyes, oh her eyes. They were deep sea green with a tiny hint of brown. And her lips a soft pink that curled slightly into an amazing smile. I smiled back at her and realized immediately that I was about to kiss her. No, I thought, I hate Mary, she tried to kill me after all, but she is so pretty. I realized she was reading my thoughts when I saw her expression. She laughed. "That's another reason I chose you, Mike." "Why?" I asked. "Because, silly, your really funny, and you can't run just quite yet." She laughed again and in an instant Maggie's window was open and Mary was floating outside. "I'll see you soon. I go to Michigan High. Weird for a vampire. But just remember, whoever created you, can kill you." She laughed once more and was gone. Leaving me to do what I thought I should. Transfer to Michigan High. But I guess, she might kill me. Oh well.

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