Erm Hey? So I guess this is hey? I'm just getting used to this app right now so I'm sorry if I'm not doing things right or anything, anyway I thought I'd start with a little introduction. Well it's not really an introduction it's just a bit about my #life. I'm Rosie..although I very dislike my name I can't change it. I don't know if I'm a 'typical teenager' I'd like to think I'm not? I'm 16 which is a horrible age:/ I'm adopted and if anyone's interested I have a #life just like any other kid! I had a very lovely childhood, I'm lucky enough to be part of a wealthy family so we go to lots of nice places and countries. I've never felt different or weird until I was in year 8. I began to get that feeling that I didn't fit in, but I'm sure everyone gets that feeling once in a while? Anyway I'm dragging it on a bit, sorry. I used to own a bay Arab/welsh section b pony 13.2hh called penny. She was so beautiful but eventually I grew out of her and she sadly had to be sold. It tore me apart letting her go and I didn't ride for months after as I was too distraught to see her empty stable. But eventually I got back into riding. I've been riding since I was 6 years old. And I go once a week now and I help to train in the green horses who aren't good at jumping. I have had an amazing childhood with many happy memories. However things don't always stay bright and cheerful forever. During year 7 and 8 I was bullied. But luckily I had my best friend Daisy to help me through it. We just sat back and laughed at them to be honest. Suddenly as you get Oder words start to effect you more, and you start to actually listen to the nasty things people say about you. It starts to sink in and you gradually feel like you are being dragged under the water until you just can't escape. It was like that in year 10 and by the time my exams were over and after debating for a long time I decided I couldn't cling on any longer. I tried to take my #life with an overdose after leaving a long letter for my parents telling them I loved them. The suicide attempt failed and I couldn't be more thankful now. I was taken to hospital and had to go through loads of social workers and papers and was asked a lot of questions. The main question that continuously was asked, 'why did you do it' but the truthful answer was hidden deep with in me that I wasn't even aware of myself. Luckily those days of unhappiness are in the past and I quickly started my route of recovery which included getting rid of fake friends, surrounding myself with positive people, changing my blog theme on tumblr, listening to happy feel good music, going out more, talking to nice people And writing to get my thoughts and emotions out. All of these led to a quick recovery and I am now able to help others with their journey too. Those were the dark times of my #life so far and the rest of it has been pretty grand to be honest. I've been lucky enough to visit Spain, France, Ireland (my second home) Ameica, -Miami, Orlando and California, Italy and the carabinen this summer. Visiting places over the world has been amazing and I can't wait to continue my travels when I'm older. One of my favourite places is Ireland. We are always welcomed by the local people. Me and my dad take the boats down to the harbour so they are ready to sail and then after we go to the pier to have a locally caught fish and chips followed by a nutella crepe mmmm delicious! I also love kayaking with my brother and Irish friends around the shores looking for the seals. If the weather is mild we go pier jumping as well which is amazing. I'm a very happy child/teenager, I'm not really sure what I am. I feel stuck between both a child and a teenager. Anyhow I love my #life at the moment although I'm sure there will be a reason to hate it sooner or later. So I guess this is my rather weird, unstructured, mixed emotion beginning? Sorry it's all rather confusing do you ever have things make sense in your head but when you write them down it's just one big mess? I'm afraid this is what's happened here. Do I dare press post? Okay here I go 3....2....1...
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