Tradurre   12 anni fa

Simplified I get asked alot why I read a lot and I always struggle with the answer , not because I don't have one but because I find it hard to pu in words what reading is to me. I spend the most hours of my day reading, I can read the whole day and the next to the next endlessly. Putting it in less words reading is like a drug it gets me high and it gets me low, plays with my emotions and change them by the turn of every page. It takes me to a whole new world, and I get to see #life through somebody else's point of view or see somebody else's #life. It touches my whole being, my soul more than anything else and it builds me and teaches me everyday through every book, ever genre and every writers words. I love reading , And I'm always grateful to writers whether it's famous one like F. Scott Fitzgerald or wattpad writers it makes a difference in my #life whenever I read their words.

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