Traducciones   12 años

What Did You Get For Christmas? So; What did you get for Christmas? A 36" highest quality Samsung TV hey!? Or the newest 4th generation iPad with retina display? A great new laptop - most expensive of course!! Or the stronger new iPhone 5, withstands maximum force!? Everyone's got fancy gifts- the most expensive they could find, But what about the more unfortunate folk; Whom we seem to have become blind; Blind to their cold winters out on the streets, Blind to those with only the pair of shoes on their feet, Blind to those who hide away in the dark, Blind to those who sleep on the bench in the park, Blind to those who spend Christmas alone, Blind to those who didn't receive a brand new phone. So now, After Christmas, After cheer and fun and games, We need to be kind to the more unfortunate, So they won't spend Christmas alone, Again. NB: inspired by Mr.Stink after watching the BBC production with my little sister.

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