Part 1 I stood alone in a room that looked like a church. There were magnificent stain glass windows everywhere all differing in colors and patterns,but there was one window that was different from all the rest. The other windows had patterns not stories,and this window in particular showed a story. A story that I could never forget and I promised myself that I would never tell anyone. My stomach rumbled as I walked the streets of New York. Signs from every direction were blaring at me telling me to buy this and that. I just ignored them. At the end of the street at a 4-way I saw a sign that said 'Girls Eat Free!' I shrugged and walked inside to see if the sign was true. As soon as I walked inside the aroma of garlic and onions tickled my nose and made me think of my cousin and how he would run out of here in a split second at the smell of garlic. There were drunk men sprawled across the floor in the back and men with a hangover in front throwing their money at pole-dancing girls. So that's what the sign meant. A man with a long,dirty beard walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. His breath smelled of rum and tobacco as he spoke to me,"Are you goin' to the pole or are you just gunna stand there?" This man truly disgusted me. I would never want to eat a soul like his.
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