Tradurre   11 anni fa

Why? You were the one I ran to, You were the one I told everything to, You were the one person who I trusted. So tell me this, Why? Why did you have to run your mouth? Why did you have to tell somebody? Hy did you have to betray me? Why? Why couldn't you have keep that between us? Why couldn't you believe me? Why couldn't you just trust me? Why? Why did I call you my best friend? Why did I let this go on for so long? Why did I keep telling you my problems? Why? Why couldn't I have seen that you haven't changed? Why couldn't I have seen the pattern? Why couldn't I have stopped this earlier?

  • Mi piace
  • Amore
  • HaHa
  • Wow
  • Triste
  • Arrabbiato