Translate   12 years ago

Little Girl (part 2) I woke up what seemed like hours later. I had been tied to a metal table with some kind of strong wiring. "What is this?" I gasped. My throat was dry and raspy. I needed water. Behind the pile of boxes in front of me, I could hear whistling. No, I thought, Mary is coming back. Remembering where I was and who put me here, I grew more and more frightened as the whistling got closer. Now I could here them turning the corner. But it wasn't Mary. Mary was in a corner of boxes, as #lifeless as an oversized doll. "This can't possible get weirder." I groaned. "What can- Oh my goodness! What happened to ya boy? Why do ya have a Dollie down here with ya? Why do- let me help you up." It was the janitor of the school, probably coming down for more potatoes or putting his mop away. The mop lay on the floor next to Mary. "Hey! I know you!" The janitor yelled at me. "Yer that missing kid, uh, Mike? Mitchell maybe?" "No, it's Mike. What do you mean missing? I came down here on Friday after school." "Sorry to burst yer bubble, boy. It's Tuesday." "I've been missing for four days!?" "Yep! Yer papa and ma are gonna be screaming with joy when they see you! Oh and do ya have a little sis, one that still plays with dollies. Cause I don't want that creepy thing down here." He gestured to Mary. "Are you sure that's a doll?" "Ha, yeah. It's a little big but I'm gonna send it home with ya anyway." The janitor picked up the "doll" and knocked on its head. It was hollow and felt like plastic. The eyes are what bugged me. Not the knife that was on its lap or the mouth that seemed to whisper, shhh. It was the cold black #lifeless eyes. A shiver ran down my back and an icy hand of a breeze carried it back up. "Come on, Mike! Yer parents are waiting!" The janitor leaped through the door, Mary in hand. I untied the food he forgot to and started toward the door, alone. From behind me, I heard something or someone. The thing said "Goodbye, Mike. We can play later. I will love meeting your family." A small giggle came after. I whipped around and saw no one. No tip of a white dress disappear behind a corner, no little hand. Just a sharp glistening knife, laying in the middle of the floor. "You comin'?" The janitors deep voice called from the stairs. "Ya, one sec." I bent over and picked up the knife. It was warm and felt soothing on my could rough skin. I couldn't help but smile as I ran to the stairs. I climbed them happily and thanked the janitor. I was about to leave the school when he stopped me. Without a word he handed me the doll's hand. It was #lifeless and cold. No heart beat and a smile that said, sorry. I didn't care. I would never let Maggie play with the beast that almost killed me. "One more question, Mike." "Yeah?" I turned to the janitor. "Why do you have cuts all up and down you. Your arms your cheek, and that nasty gash on your leg. Yer limping like a mad man!" I looked down at the doll and up at him again. "Why do you think?" I smiled and he looked at the doll, fear in his eyes. "It did all that to you?" "Not it, her. Her name is Mary, and---yes." I laughed and walked out the door. I trotted the whole mile home and walked inside. My mom was crying of coarse, and my dad was comforting her. Maggie was first to see me. "Mikey!" She shouted. Then my parents looked up. My mom tried to laugh through her tears and my father ran to the first aid kit. He bandaged my "boo boo" and let my mom finally hug me. Just now Maggie noticed the doll in my arms. "Dollie!" She shouted and ran to it. "Um..." I looked down at Mary's face. The eyes were closed and she was as cold as ever. I handed her over and Maggie laughed and played on the floor near our feet. After dinner and a "summarized" story of what happened, my parents put Maggie to bed. I hobbled into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Next I went to my bedroom, took off my shirt and crawled into the warm sheets and comforters. I fell into a deep sleep. A few hours later I woke up to a slight tugging at my sheet. I thought it was Mary so before I opened my eyes I pulled the knife out of my pocket. I was facing my window, not the rest of the room so when I opened my eyes I saw the clear sky of midnight. I rolled over and looked into the face of s sad young girl. But it wasn't Mary, it was Maggie. "Hey, what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?" I slipped the knife into my pocket. "The doll." She whispered, "it came alive. It's in my room and it woke me up." I pulled the knife out of my pocket again and told Maggie to stay in my room. I crept into the hall and then into Maggie's room. The pink walls and flowers were comforting to me, but the. I saw Mary. she was searching through my sisters things. I slowly walked over to her. halfway across the room, a floorboard creaked. "Hello, Mike. long time no see." she said. Mary turned around and I saw her face. It frightened me, bringing back memories of when she chased me through the basement of my school. "what do you want?" I held up the knife to protect me. "You."

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