Secrets In the eyes of the world, I am a wealthy and lucky businessman. I live in a luxurious villa in Hong Kong. I have three adorable children and a charming and voluptuous wife. We have ten maids to care for out needs. My deranged mother lives under my liberty, in yet another bungalow right next to mine, with five experienced maids and a private nurse looking after her, making sure she is alright. I spend my days looking after my kids and donating large sums of money to orphanages and homes for old folks. My name is Leonard Wang. I'm forty years old and I have committed a crime. I killed my best friend for his wealth. In the early days, I came from a poor family. My father worked as a cobbler while my mother was unemployed. I had ten siblings and I was the youngest in my family. Money was never enough. I remember those days when Mother had to starve so that we had enough to eat. Those days when Mother had to cut her own clothes whenever any of ours were torn. In school, kids my age would tease me for wearing hand-me-downs. My brothers and sisters were very bright and managed to study up to university levels with the help of scholarships provided by the government. It was this very day when a group of other boys were teasing me for not having anything to eat during lunch breaks. I was on the verge of tears when a rich boy, David Simmons, came to my rescue. He drove the bullies away and put his arm around my shoulder. "Hey! I'm David. What's your name?" he asked me. That was the start of our long lasting friendship. David always shared his wealth with me. He told me his deepest, darkest secrets and shared his food with me during lunch breaks. He was always there for me whenever I needed him. This went in till university. As if by fate, we both received scholarships for the same universities for different courses. I was doing business while he was doing engineering. We remained best of friends. We went through thick and thin together until that one unfortunate event. In my business class, there was a snobbish boy called Gerard Lee. He was filthy rich and he loved to boast about his family's fortune. When he found out about my poor family, he scoffed at me and bullied me every single day. He even managed to pull David into his group and they taunted me mercilessly every single day. My university #life was hell but I graduated with a Masters degree in business. A couple of years after I left university, my clothes business was still running slow. With so little money, I could not expand my business. Luck was also not on my side. I always lost half my goods due to inadequate storage space and the other half sold poorly. David however was blooming to be a well known engineer. He earned millions, making him extremely rich. I soon got jealous of his wealth. Late one night, I snuck into his mansion and pointed a revolver at his throat. He had no wife and his servants were away for the night. Well, luck must have been on my side and I forced him to write his will, leaving all his riches to me. As soon as he signed it, I freed his arm but he threatened to tear the will. In the haphazard scramble for the will, I accidentally fired a shot right through his neck. David slumped dead in his study. I ran for my #life for the fear of being caught as the killer who assassinated his best friend. The police found David dead the next day. Just as expected, I inherited David's riches as in the will and I felt really happy. In the next five years, my business expanded and I became the richest man in Asia. My wedding with a world famous French model was an elaborate one. There were a thousand guests, amongst them were my family members, all of them did not know how I actually became so rich. Shortly after my wedding, my wife bore a set of fraternal twins. An adorable baby boy, with features exactly like mine , and a gorgeous baby girl, who looked exactly like her. I was on cloud nine. Two years after that, she bore yet another daughter. I soon forgot about the fact that I had killed David that night. It was two weeks ago when I was clearing out my drawer when I stumbled upon my old photo album. I gingerly opened the album and peered at its contents. There, pictures of me and David brought back nostalgic memories of us growing up together. I was about to make a call when I remembered how I had assassinated him that very night. My heart dropped and tears fell out of my eyes like bullets as I recalled how he had helped me in everything. I'm sorry David. It's my fault your family is suffering now. Your mother never got over the fact that you died that night. I'm sorry she died of heartbreak last winter and your father followed suit the next spring. Your brother treats me as his business partner and I do not know how to reveal the fact that I am the one who killed you. I am a monster. I am so sorry David, my best friend. I never should have done that. May you rest in peace, forever.
Diana âðâð
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