With the dagger glistening in my hand, my mouth turned upwards into a gleaming smile, waiting for the time to strike my victim. I looked over my shoulder at Justin. He looked so handsome in his suit and tie, making it such a waste to kill him. 'Don't worry, the night is still young,' I assured myself.
Joy. What does the word actually mean? People experience ''joy' differently. Sadists experience joy when seeing others in pain. Children experience joy when receiving presents. Me? I experience joy when killing. I'm a killer. From Çanakkale, Turkey , ready to annihilate my next victim.
I got ready for my appointment for the night. A lovely evening dinner in a high class restaurant overlooking the glorious Aegean Sea. I tightened the straps of the case holding my gun and prized dagger onto my upper right thigh. My fluffy pink gown covered everything nicely. No one ever suspected me of handling any weapons, never, since i started killing for a hobby.
I covered my luscious lips with a thick layer of blood-red lipstick covered with yet another layer of shiny lipgloss. I slathered myself with perfume, put on those stilettos and floated out of my mansion gracefully. When I stepped out of my mansion, a blast of cold air hit my face. I smiled a sinister smile, like a lion waiting for its prey. Justin was already waiting in his jet-black Prius.
"Hey babe! New car?" I asked.
"Yes doll! Specially for tonight," was his reply. I stepped gracefully into the car, making sure my weapons remained hidden from view.
"Love the dress. You like pink?" Justin asked. I nodded gently. I did not want him to find out I was a man slayer, so pink was the best feminine color I could think of. We drove towards the 'special' restaurant in which the murder would happen. I smiled to myself, thinking how handsome Justin's head would be on my living room wall, together with the other fifty handsome men I had killed in this same outfit.
"Bayview Restaurant, eh? Why on earth do we have to be here?" I asked my colleague, Bill Patterson.
"Because, Julie, there will be a murder here tonight. Besides, Captain Murdoch would know what he is doing anyway. Come on, loosen up girl! Have a little fun tonight. But keep your eyes out for her," Bill replied.
"Her? You mean the killer is a woman? How..." I spluttered.
"Wait, haven't you been listening to Captain? He briefed us about the mission earlier. It's a well off lady about twenty to thirty years old, kills with either a dagger or a gun and her victims are usually rich handsome young men," said Bill.
Just then, the doors swung open and in waltzed a young couple. The man was ridiculously handsome and the girl equally beautiful in her pink padded dress. 'That can't be the killer, she looks too innocent. Besides, they look really romantic together. I'll just look at them a little longer,' I thought to myself. My eyes glazed towards them.
"Hey, Julie, do you think it's that couple?" Bill asked me.
"I'm not sure. But they don't look like the killer type, especially the girl. She's so innocent. And pink? How many killers do you know wear pink?" I replied.
"Yea. Lets keep a lookout anyway," Bill said. I shrugged and looked over at the couple. They were really sweet together. The perfect couple.
We arrived at the restaurant, 'Bayview Restaurant'.
"So this is the secret restaurant? Looks classy fora seaside restaurant," I replied as we walked through those doors. Justin smiled at me and showed me to my seat. He pulled out the chair and invited me to sit.
"Would you like something to eat?" Justin asked.
"Okay. I'll have the fish please," I replied, gently stroking his hands. He grinned and left the table to place our order. So there I sat, looking around the room. All of a sudden, my eyes stopped at a table not far from here. Two people, a man and a lady were staring intently at me. Their eyes followed my every movement. 'Have I been found out?' I thought to myself.
"Alright darling. I've placed our orders. The food will be coming soon. Meanwhile, would you like to dance?" Justin asked as he walked back to out table. I shook my head.
"Sorry dear, I'm not much of a dancer. Lets take a walk outside instead. Would they remind us when the meal is here?" I asked sweetly.
"I'm sure they will. Besides, we won't be long," Justin replied. We set off, telling the waiter at the front door our intentions. The time has come.
"The couple have left without their food. Should we follow them?" I asked Bill. Bill shook his head.
"Nah! Besides, they don't look like a pair of killers anyway. The only thing they are killing is some time before their food arrives. Leave the two lovebirds alone, okay?" was Bill's reply. I looked around the room. From the corner of my eye, I watched as the couple kissed each other on the shore outside the restaurant. Then they walked hand in hand by the sea shore. Over in the restaurant, no woman matching Captain Murdoch's description were seen.
"Sir, I don't seem to see any lady matching your description. And also, the waitress is asking us to leave now as we have been here for over four hours. The food here is not exactly cheap too," I heard Bill saying to Captain Murdoch.
Bill grunted a few times and an occasional 'Yes Sir' was heard before he put down his hand phone. Bill turned to me and paid the bill for our drinks.
"Come on, Julie, we're leaving. Captain said that the plan has changed. We are asked to abandon the mission," said Bill. I looked over at the beach but I did not see the couple.
"They still look suspicious to me," I muttered. Seconds later,I heard a loud bang from the walls of the restaurant. The restaurant walls began to crumble, followed by a blinding light before I slipped into darkness.
I looked around the beach. There was not a soul in sight. I smirked and took hold of my dagger. Justin was still enjoying the sunset, looking as handsome as ever. I felt so in power as I imagined slaying Justin.
"Hey, babe, what's with the knife?" Justin asked. I smiled sweetly at him.
"You chose the wrong girl to date, Justin. And now, you'll have to pay the price," I replied with a sinister edge to my voice. Justin stared at me wide-eyed.
"N... No..... P... Pl.... Please..... Don..... Don't...," he stammered. I gave him a last smile and drove my dagger through his head, piercing his brain and repeating the cycle on his chest, arms, legs and back. Then, I shot him in the chest and left him, slumped against a rock. I chopped off his head, washed it with seawater and dumped it into a sack. I took his keys and drove home, happy to get another head for my collection.
"Just moments ago, a waiter from the all time famous Bayview Restaurant found a headless dead body lying by the beach. He was making his way for his shift at the restaurant when he stumbled upon the dead body. Since the head of the body is missing, police have found it difficult to trace the identity of the dead person. It is believed that several minutes after the body was found, the entire restaurant was blown up. Five hundred people were killed, including diners and the restaurant staff, causing this attack to have been the most dangerous attack in the beautiful city of Çanakkale, Turkey. Amongst them were two police officers. This case has baffled the police. Only time will tell if the case can be solved. Till then, I'm Miranda Smith from Sky TV."
Diana âðâð
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