Translate   12 years ago

So I Die So I die My #life now away And your proper goodbye Is to forget? A weak heart With much power Has caused us to part And you are mute? How dare you choose To treat my name As bad news And purposely give up? Why do you need My name to be Such a great misdeed When it is spoken? By doing this You make my name a blame And you completely miss The purpose of this event Treat this casket Not as a box of sorrow Or a crying basket But rather a reminder. My #life, my history Will form into a Great and unsung mystery Without your help Spread through word of mouth My #quotes, my stories To the north and south And prevent my second death Physically I am gone But my name Is an old song That needs be sung It is my last request That you not allow My name to rest And collect undesirable dust. So I die My body in a grave But my name, not just a sigh Thanks to you.

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