Traducciones   12 años

Miss Know-It-All Hi, and my name is Miss-Know-It-All I'm the girl that blends in with the lockers, who hides in the corners.I'm so not a cool teen.(A.K.A. Dork) If you comment me your problems I will blog some advice so keep them coming. ; ) Comment No.1 Hi, Miss Know It All, I have a question, What do you do if a total loser asks you out? Cause I don't want to hurt his feelings Anyway that's all from me I'm-a-looser 123 I know what your talking about guess what I went through that same problem Well if you know about his past fails, then try and be reasonable why Or if your his first choice then say that your just not ready for a relation ship TTYLXOX Miss-Know-It-All

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