The Fizzy Soda Pop Kid So she loves lemonade soda. Drinks nothin but. Soda pop cereal and soda pop tooth brushing. Soda pop to down those dolls and soda pop to drown them too. Water water everywhere and not a drop she'll drink. Just soda pop soda pop oh soda soda soda.... So the lemonade soda baby girl dreams of a soda pop world and dreams the bottle round herself. Soda bottle glass windows and nobody else she has to share with. Floating in her solipsistic sea of soda. And this bottle won't pop. This dream won't pop. She dreamed it real. Real taste real #life. One day soda pop baby girl sees outside of her soda pop glass bottle window a boy. He looks kinda dirty but it's just the cola colour of his cola pop bottle. And her sweet soda soaked heart melts. But she can never reach the cola boy because the glass of their soda bottles is so thick. And cola and lemon don't mix. Don't mix at all. Soda pop baby girl starts to cry. Her bitter tears taint her lemonade. And as she drinks her lovely soda pop lemonade the bitter concoction transforms her into a bitter sherbert lemon. On the other side of the soda pop glass she sees her cola boy was never anything but a fizzy cola bottle.
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