Ben… (11) It's just a short one but more is coming soon xxx! But now it's November… Now don't get me wrong I was excited to be going to live with Ben. So excited- that was the happiest I had ever been! But there was something wrong: my parents don't know about us getting married! They had been angry enough about us going to Germany ( that's understandable ) they had calmed down, now. But if they knew we were getting married it could throw them of the edge. They would never let me go! I was lying to Ben, as well. He thinks that I had told him. He was coming round that day to speak to them… and give me my ring. He was being all old fashioned- it was adorable! He was going to ask for Dad's permission… but I knew Dad would say no! I was so confused and didn't know what to do. When Ben came round he greeted me with a "hey beautiful, how is my fiancé." I told him to shhh before leading him into the house. "What's wrong?" I played with my hands, I didn't know what to say. "I don't know how to tell them, I was going to, I swear, I just don't know how!" Ben waited ages to finally exhale and answer. "Maybe now isn't the right time." "What do you mean." "I'm not angry, Alice, I just mean that our parents will think we are too young! And maybe they are right!" And so Ben showed himself out and I sat by myself trying to kid myself that I had done the right thing.

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