Grace GRACE Grace, what is grace? Grace is the ability to forgive. Grace is the ability to show love to people who do you wrong every single day. Grace is something we see every single moment in our #life's when we wake up to see a new day. Grace is something that allows us to see another second, minute, and hour of a day. Grace is the ability to say we are free from sin. Grace is the Ability to have a relationship with God. Grace is not just a word but an action. Grace is the ability to lay down your #life for someone who you know has done nothing but wrong towards you all there #life. Grace, is Jesus Christ. A man who laid down his #life for you on a cross, that for man was once a sign of death, but now is a sign of hope. Grace is the ability to to live a #life full of peace and joy. Grace is the ability to be forgiven from all your sins. Grace is something that allows us to be a new creation in Christ. Grace is what allows us to no longer be children of the dark but now children of the light, sons and daughter of the most high God. Grace is the ability to be no longer dead, but alive in Christ. Grace is to understand Gods word, and the ability to know God more. Grace is the ability to turn a sinner in to a redeemer and call a man who was once a murder, a rapist, a adulterer, a lier, a stealer, a cheater, a person after there own hearts desires, and call them ambassadors for Christ. Grace is the ability to turn one who didn't understand #life's meaning, and show them a purpose for living. Grace is something that can allow a person who was once lost in the world, to be a light for others who are still lost in the world. Grace is the ability to turn a dirty sinful man and give him the opportunity to be a Shepard for Gods sheep. Grace is the ability to no longer be consider unholy, but now holy and righteous through the blood of the lamb. Grace is the ability to no longer deny the truth, but accept it and be a witness to what has happen, that when that day, when grace came and touch your #life it was never the same. That a man who you once denied and put as your last priority, has become someone who you know you can't live a day with out. Jesus is that man, a man who by grace died for us. And gave us sinners the ability to live a good #life, by grace. And by grace not only are all these things done and much more.But by that Grace do we continue to have the ability to live and enjoy #life till this very day. So what is grace, Christ is. And when you have Christ you have grace. - MoMo