Translate   12 years ago

If Only (Part One) #life is hard, we all know this, but for one person, #life was harder than anything you or I could ever imagine. Peter had not led a blameless #life. He had his fair share of ups and downs, but to deserve the horror that was to occur in the next 24 hours of his existence, I'd be hard pressed to find an individual that did. His day started the way it always did, a cup of coffee, 10 cigarettes, and a read of the newspaper which the 'annoying little brat' from down the road delivered at the same time, every morning. His #life hadn't amounted to much, an ex cop who had worked himself almost to the grave. A huge drink problem which had lost him his marriage and kids, and a fair few friends in the process. The things he had seen, haunted him like you wouldn't believe. Peter just couldn't shake off images from a certain case he had worked in his 30 years as a homicide detective. Within 10 seconds of picking up the paper, every horrific moment of that one case, came flooding back...

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