I Need Some Advice I know this will sound really petty, and insignificant to some of you, but I'm at a dead end with this, and I don't know what to do, so if someone could spare a few minutes to help me out I'll be really grateful So basically, on April 11th 2011, I went on holiday to Egypt and I met this guy. He's called Guy (which is hilarious, right?) but anyway, I fell in love with him that day, and he did too. But he's the kind of person who doesn't love a girl for the right reasons. He does it for sex. And I don't want that. I want to be in a regular relationship, full of love and caring for each other (you know what I mean). Well anyway we've talked on and off for the past year, but one thing that's stayed constant is my unconditional love for him. I think about him before I sleep, every minute of every day. But my parents don't like him, so I can't talk to anyone about him. Over Christmas, we were in a relationship for a month or so. It was perfect, I was happy, we were in love, and we did everything I wanted us to do. But then he decided it was his turn to get what he wanted, so I left him. But we still talk every now and again, but tonight, I realised how much I miss him, and how much I still love him. Do I get back in a relationship with him, but be subjected to what he wants? Or do I stay as I am, talking occasionally? Or do I just ignore him totally and erase him from my #life? Each one has it's pros and cons, but I can't decide what to do :/ So if anyone can help, even in the slightest I'd really appreciate it By the way, I can't stress enough how much I love him...

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