Four. She lies under the stars of her bedroom sky As she listens to her heart break over and over again The tears spill from her eyes No hope, no disguise Just a pain filled night Without him again. He sits at his desk Spinning on the chair legs Pen grasped tightly in his clutch Eyes unblinking Eyes so penetrating He can't rid himself of that pain inside How does he give her the world When he's torturing himself inside? How does he let another become such a massive part of this #life? How does he rid himself of these bonds and precarious ties? He spins around again. There she is Next to a man who she gave the world One that took a vow and failed to recognise she exists She even gave him two kids And as the world keeps spinning on its axis she turns to face him Things have changed now He loves her, she loves him He belongs to her and she to him A #life brand new and all of their own, The perfect 2.4 family Husband, wife and two children. And here I am A million thoughts in my head As I too, lay on my bed Thinking of the pain and broken hearts of the past And the pieces that make up this crazy jigsaw puzzle Unbelievable that I finally fell in love again Yet all this shit still spins around in my head I want him I love him... It's time for us all... To let go.
Gary ð¬ð§
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