Traduire   12 années depuis

Nothing Can Stop Me I came 2 this world riding on a star with a dream in my hart just 2 see her with the power 2 stop time 2 fight on tel she's mine and look straight in 2 death and with my last breath and scream u got nothing so don't u start blothing 4 her face let me see and give her my harts key if she wants the world she can have its in my hand grab it and the clouds are all mine and the stars will get in line just 2 see her lips the touch of her finger tips the earth I promise 2 crush if she says my loves 2 much and if she says I do I'll make the sun shine all night frue and the#moonI'll make come close 2 show her my love I'll all ways boost xxxx xxxxx

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  • Amour
  • HaHa
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