Lost Love In The Night I wake up in the morning full of regret . Why did she say them things why would she hurt me that much . She promised she would always be there . Yet here I lay alone once again . My heart burning the passion to much to hold in . My pillow alive with dreams of her . I walk down steers to a cold living room . The smell of her perfume still in the hair . Like rosés in the spring her picture on the wall . O' how happy we was our hearts was one . Our dreams was the same we wanted the same things . Yes she was the one she was my fire . Now I am Ice cold as the winter breeze . No were left to turn . How long has she been with him how long has her heart loved him . Just that fort starts the tears over again falling on the picture frame . My eyes lost in memories .... I struggle to bring my self back around Still the fort of him lingers. In my head Who? Is he how did they meet I grip a whiskey bottle in a daze Is it to early for that I slowly take of the cork just the smell is to much my body is crying no yet I just empty it It hits me is this what it's come to? Have I falling so low Drunk with the desire to kill am I really using the world kill My heart try's to talk me out of it Yet I'm in my dads old tool box looking for that gun Wow do I have the guts maybe maybe not My hands running through the tools We're can it be I'm sure I seen it last time I was looking in here Yes it's here I got the answer as I hold it Looking at it I feel so strong so Manley It has free bolletts I push it Down my belt line The fort comes to me were can they be? I find some more whiskey as I look for the car keys As I walk outside its raining really bad To we're should I go to look? Her place maybe I get there in good time as I jumped all the traffic lights I look through the window and they are both there She has a open fire they are both just looking at one and other At first I think il just run in and start shouting Hhaa just the idea of it can i really use this gun Could me the never hurt any one in my #life kill them I shake my head pull your self together I look more and more I see her smile that smile that worms my heart I tell my self I can't do this she looks so happy He has not let go of her hand all the time I have been here Dos he love her more then me? I just turn around I leave the car I head to the leak just a mile or so from her place Walking in the rain so many forts Is she happy maybe he's better for her Thunder lashing the sky rain dripping from my face I send her a text on my phone Saying that I'm happy for her and I want the best for them I put the gun to my head and say the last words that was in my head LOST LOVE IN THE NIGHT The end by Luke lee England. Chester .