Traduzir   12 anos atrás

An Odd Trip An Odd Trip with some antisocial organisers... Contains some words of a harsh demeanour or 'swears' 〜(•▽•〜) (〜•▽•)〜 The quiet, almost inaudible sound of rustling gravel below car tires woke me from my slumber. As you can imagine, trying to sleep whilst tied up and kidnapped in a car boot is difficult enough, without some asshole driver speeding over uneven surfaces. So, for this reason - and many more, i was pissed. I lay there for god knows how long running through escape plans in my head - most were over-violent action hero retaliations that were completely unrealistic. One plan involved freeing myself from the ropes that had bound my hands, picking up the bottle of antifreeze from beside my hunched right shoulder and launching the contents at whoever was unlucky enough to open the boot and stick their gut wrenchingly ugly-assed face inside to check on the catch. Another involved me waiting for my chance to unbind myself and facing my captors in hand-to-hand combat - even more unlikely than the Jason Statham style approach as i would most likely get smashed by multiple fists before i could get a second hit in. All in all the foreseeable future was not looking too good for me. I took some of this time cooped up in the stuffy, claustrophobic hellhole of a boot to map out its contents. The industrial style bottle of antifreeze sat upright in the corner beside my right shoulder, a plastic Iceland bag for #life sat crumpled and ripped - if that was a bag for #life then i'd hate to see the death bag. An odd woollen sock sat in the opposite corner from the Jason Statham antifreeze, staring down my feet, almost begging to be worn, loneliness getting the better of it in this desolate shite hole. Suddenly - and unnecessarily, the car slammed to a halt, sending the lonely sock sliding straight to my mouth - i took advantage of this and nudged it under my head as a moderately tramp-like pillow dignity still one hundred percent intact. This shall go on .-. For a few more parts at least

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