Translate   12 years ago

Rhys Sitting in Rhys' car while we drove down the backroads following Andrews pale blue Clio, in complete silence. No reason. I guess we were both tired, I mean, it was 11.30 at night, there was nothing to speak about. The only noises I could actually identify over the rough ground groaning under the tire treads were Rhys' breathing and the clanging of empty cans that flooded the floor space beneath my feet. I was staring out the window admiring the sky as it was revealed behind the silhouettes of black twisty trees and shrunken abysses of shadowed shrubs, when a thought lay heavily on me; everyone was speaking of the world ending on the 21st of December, 2012. Strictly, logically.. Scientifically speaking, it wasn't strictly true. I guess it's only a belief that the world would end prior to the Mayan Callander finishing then, it's not fate, it's simply a coincidence. They died? Ran out of space? Ran out of materials? So many solutions but so many people are inclined on ramming their stupid beliefs down our throats about our home planet erupting from the inside out, or a rapture coming up on us. I just don't believe something like that is likely to happen. Even though it was a few weeks away, and I didn't believe it at all, it was starting to frighten me, I was thinking about it more, I was considering who i'd be with when the cloud of death drowned each and every one of us, what if I survived? What if Rhys survived? Hey, I could live on a planet alone with him. We could do what we wanted.. The sky's colours were so displaced, because it was just nearing the end of autumn, it was getting darker earlier, but from where I lived, the sky is pitch black with the occasional wink of one bright star, or the sparkling tinsel of perfectly aligned consolations and galaxies, but from there, in the car, on the backroads, the sky was a mixtured paint canvas of purples and pinks, lilac and midnight blue, it was almost mesmerising to look at, I didn't quite understand how Rhys could drive so concentrated when a sky like this was surrounding us and patting us off to sleep. Because the roads were almost completely empty, Andrew began driving safely, but recklessly. Down the hill to my street he picked up speed, and so did Rhys, I half imagined Rhys pulling into the lane in which traffic from the opposite direction would drive, and a car facing us head on, I was screaming at him telling him to pull into the other lane, screaming he'd kill us, and his face is dazed staring blankly with determination in his eyes into the victims car windscreen as if he would just evaporate through the car, but no. I blinked back into reality knowing Rhys could be an idiot, but his acts of idiocy would not consist of him driving on the wrong side of the road murdering us both as if he was possessed by a demon. There was something about Rhys, I don't quite know what, even to this day, hes just so flawless in my eyes. Since the day I met him, that smile, his eyes, his laugh. They send chills up my spine. His lips and his kisses are irresistible, his hugs and his hold are so warm. I couldn't care what anybody says about him, he's impeccable to me and I wouldn't swap him for the world. I never ever thought I would be placed with someone like him, he's amazing, he's way too good for me, I always thought about it before. But now that it is this way it kinda feels too good to be true and that everything would start to go badly, quickly. But knowing he felt the exact same, thinking about it being like this but also thinking he didn't have a chance. We have so much in common, I'm surprised we don't have the same thoughts about everything, even though we almost do, there's very few things I've noticed which we disagree on. He's amazing, I love him.

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