Translate   12 years ago

The Rabbit Out of all Gods creatures large and small I thought rabbits were the best of all. I loved their tails, and ears, and teeth, But now I know there’s evil beneath. They appear so cute, and cuddly, and nice, But now I know different Because I’ve paid a price. I’ll tell you a story you’ll find hard to accept An enormous secret for years I have kept One day I was walking My friend and I talking When we saw a fantastic sight I had to check that I was awake ‘Cos what I saw wasn’t right. I said “crikes” My friend just fled He ran and hid and he cried in his bed. I thought, now if I could just reach out and grab it I’d have captured the world’s biggest black rabbit. The rabbit was huge, as big as a goat With enormous brown eyes, and the shiniest coat. It looked like any rabbit that I’ve ever seen But its size and weight were almost obscene. “Hello there” I said with a welcoming grin And the rabbit said “Run - or I’ll do you in.” It raised itself up and it started to growl A noise which loosened my quivering bowels. From its feet sprang claws as sharp as a knife And I tell you my friend – I was scared for my #life. And I froze. Yes I froze – I just couldn’t budge And I felt down my legs my bodily sludge. I had messed myself, and messed myself bad; I should have fled when my best friend had. After that it was all a blur; I have no fingers where fingers once were, And I woke up in hospital in ten kinds of pain Incredibly lucky that I hadn’t been slain. So now when I see rabbits in a home or outside You know the reason I appear terrified.

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