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Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 - Review *IMPORTANT - SPOILERS AHEAD* OK SO! I have just watched the second Breaking Dawn of Twilight and let me just say that it was a massive disappointment. I was expecting action, blood, tears, that massive moment where everyone thinks all is lost but then some revelation comes and people are saved. No. Nothing. It was all fake. Right so basically, it starts off how the first Breaking Dawn ended, Bella opening her eyes, as her first time of being a vampire. So she wakes up, feels the new sense of what it is like to be a vampire, you can tell her sense of sight is heightened, she asks to see Renessme (which by the way i find to be a silly name, in my opinion) but Edward states that she should feed first. So then they begin their hunt against a deer until she smells a rock climber, and dashes to feed off of him after she smells his blood when he cuts himself and i have no idea what happened but Edward stopped her and she growled and went back to the deer, she then hunts for this deer, but wait A MOUNTAIN LION APPEARS FROM NO WHERE! And Bella attacks that lion and feeds off of it. Edward seems please that she managed to resist human blood and kill a ferocious beast instead of a deer. They make their way back home where she is confronted by Jacob who seems cosy to be in a home full of blood suckers and uses himself as a test subject to see if Bella is able to control herself around Renessme. She passes the test and then we meet the baby for the first time, and find out she has the ability to show people her memories. Bella then finds out that Jacob has imprinted on her daughter, FREAKS THE FUCK OUT! And attacks him when she finds out that he nicknamed her 'Nessie' which apparently has some link with the Loch Ness Monster. At this point I have no idea why she was moaning, a wolf the size of a freaking truck has devoted himself to her daughter to be whatever she needs to be and protect her if any harm came her way, I'm sorry but if that was my daughter I'd be throwing a bloody party!! Anyway, the next day, the Cullens decide to tell Charlie (Bella's Father) that she didn't make it through the birth, Jacob was not please so he went to Charlie, stripped and revealed himself as a wolf.. Charlie just fell to the ground and looked 'shocked'. If I were him, I would have screamed like a little girl, probably shat my pants and fainted.. But no he seemed very calm and content that a wolf was madly in love with his daughter once. Bella and Edward weren't too happy to find out the news but then decided that it might be a better choice to keep Charlie in Bella's #life. They meet, to which I would describe as a very awkward encounter between a father and a daughter, but then they both get on with their daily lives. Bella then is challenged to a arm wrestle duel against Emmet and wins because she is now some elite vampire with incredible strength. Months later, Bella, Jacob and Renesmme are strolling in some sort of remote area, as one does, and Renesmme is catching snow flakes, Irena; who is apparently a cousin of the Cullens see's the girl and mistakes her for an 'immortal child' - which is apparently breaking the law because back in the day immortal children used to wreak havoc amongst towns and kill every human there was if they ever threw a tantrum. Irena, being annoying, goes and tells the Volturi about this apparent 'immortal child' which then results in their plan to destroy the Cullens. Alice sees them coming in a vision of hers and then the Cullens plan to prove that Renessme is not who they think she is. They gather as many people as they can to be able to prove that Renessme is everything but an 'immortal child'. Alice and Jasper then disappear for a while and leave a clue for Bella to get some illegal documents for Renesmme and Jacob from J. Jenks just incase they need to escape. As the time of the attack draws near, we find out that Bella is able to develop her power and is able to protect others from powers that may be inflicted upon them, she protects Edward against this other vampire's electric power thing. The attack eventually comes, the Volturi and the Cullens confront each other in this huge open area of snow and then Aro is told that Renessme is not who they think she is. Aro then asks for proof from Edward, who then shows him the truth. Pissed off, he brings forward Irena, who apologises for her mistake as she did not know any better, so they rip her head off. (Her fault to be quite honest) Irena's sisters are outraged and launch for an attack but the other vampires stop them. Renesmme is then brought forward and shows Aro her visions, where then he laughs a completely weird laughs and comments on her heart beat. However they still see Renesmme as a threat to the Vampire kind and decide that something must be done. THEN ENTER JASPER AND ALICE, where she states that she has proof that Renessme poses no threat what so ever. Alice then realises that Aro is not going to change his mind and turns around and tells Bella that now is the time to make Jacob and Renesmme to escape. All hell breaks loose as Alice flip kicks Aro in the face and is then captured by some Volturi people. Carlisle flys for an attack and is confronted by Aro in mid air who rips his head off. THEN EVERYONE FREAKS OUT and engages in battle where Jasper, Seth, Leah and multiple others die. Aro then witnesses Jane get slaughtered, gets aggravated and launches for Bella and Edward, alone, now that is obviously not going to end well, and to my surprise I was right, they kicked his ass and ripped the shit out of him. I mean one guy vampire, against a new born with incredible strength and another vampire.. Who is kinda strong. Then scene then SUDDENLY cuts back to Alice showing Aro his unfortunate demise and reveals the two witnesses her and Jasper set out to find, some guy who is also a human/vampire hybrid and his aunt who he turned immortal. The guy states he is no threat. And the Volturi see that that is enough information, finally state that Renessme is perfectly ok to live, and walk (very swiftly) away. The two Romanian guys get angsty and plan to attack them from behind, get ignored and storm off in a hissy fit. The Cullens and their team rejoice with their victory. And the scene then cuts to the family back home were Edward finally approves of Jacob and Renessme and Alice shares a vision with Edward, seeing them all happy and Renessme matured. Months later, Bella and Edward are back in the meadows and Bella FINALLY allows Edward to read her thoughts and she magically let her shield down. THE END YES. That was the end of the movie. Now the fight scene was quite exciting but this movie was the epitome of SHIT. It was all jam packed, it seemed like the directors wanted to give the trilogy one quick ending. The fact that the fight scene was fake, just ruined that whole devastating moment. There was no real emotion evoked and that moment where Aro smiled after he killed Carlisle creeped me the fuck out! He looked like he just took one fat dump right in the middle of the snow and enjoyed it!! It was horrendous. There was no real action, no thirst for human blood, it was all badly directed and there was some incredibly cheesy lines which just made me cringe. It was such a colossal waste of time, and I was highly disappointed, as I was expecting 100 times more than that. Breaking Dawn Part 2 was a horrific end to what could have been a fantastic trilogy. 3/10

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