Traducciones   12 años

Terrible Complication I've got myself into a terrible complication. Help. I'm with this boy who neither excites me or interests me anymore; I don't find him all that attractive. The little things he does behind my back thinking I wouldn't find out annoy me more. The way he doesn't care and never makes effort frustrates me beyond comparison. The problem is we were never officially together, although he wanted us to be, he begged and said please, but I just didn't want to be in a relationship. However we now act like a couple in front of people but behind the public I'd be lucky to get a text. I don't want to finish what we have because I feel that we'll be better later on, because in reality everyone has flaws, although his ambitions are amazing, and he's good for me, he doesn't understand me. So do I have any right in telling him what he should do? Do I should clingy if I say I want to talk? Am I just wasting my time, by hoping it'll be sorted out and we'll be happy at the end? Or should I just carry this tragedy on, and have no one to blame but myself? #help #relationship #problem

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