Confusion Is Taking Over.. Okay, so this guy I like.. We speak everyday now over BBM and I can talk to him really easily and have a laugh and a joke with him but he's also good at sharing problems. When I see him at school though, he wont look at me nor will he speak to me. We walk back the same way from school and he'll ask me how I am but I can't find the words to say when I'm around him so I just say 'hi'. I reckon he thinks I'm really stupid and uncool but he insists this isn't the case. My friends say he likes me because he called me beautiful and keeps making an effort to speak to me. He seems interested in me over phone but at school it's like he couldn't care less. He's told all his friends about me liking him and now they keep taking the mickey out of me and chanting his name when we're around each other. Does that mean he isn't embarrassed by me? He seems like an awkward person in person and I don't know how to speak to him if he ever tries to talk to me? He will always use my name if he asks me if I'm okay in person too. He's also very flirtatious over BBM but that could just be his personality. Anyone who is good at reading boys, help me? I'm so confused by his behaviour and need to know the truth. Thank you! Velvet x x
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