My Mouth And Brain Appear To Have Fallen Out With Me So I have so far been on two and a half dates with tall dark and handsome, and so far things do seem to be going really rather well. This is of course apart from the small fact that yet again I proved myself to be a big idiot in the conversation department. Its almost like I can hear brain cells popping on an almost second to second basis when around him. The other day one of my friends asked me what type of car he drove, to which I responded in my most matter of fact voice. 'A white one'. I dont bloody know these things because: A Im not a driver. B Cars do not interest me. Finally C All of the above. So when we went on the date that I like to think of a 'half date' (it was a couple of cokes in a pub before I started work) I asked him what type of car he had. Nevermind the fact that I had just been sat in the friggen thing and could have looked myself! Lazy bitch! Now this where my mouth took it upon itself to go for a wee jog, (I say wee jog - it went for a fuck off run into the distance, with slim to none chance of returning any time soon.) and not even contemplate letting my brain come and join in on the conversation. Why would I want to to something as sensible as engaging my brain, when I can just whitter away like the complete plant pot I am rapidly turning into? He told me that he drove an Alfa Romeo Giulietta and said that it is named after a woman, to which I replied ' Now I know you are Italian but Alfa Romeo is just a weird name for a girl' Really Charlotte?? Have a bloody word with yourself!! Oh but unfortunately there wasnt anytime for me to have a word with myself as my mouth apparantly wanted to carry on chatting shit. Tall Dark And Handome 'No its Giulietta thats the girls name' Me ' Oh thats more like it' (I bloody know that Giulietta is a girls name, regardless of how its spelt.) 'Why is it spelt differently?' Tall Dark and handsome ' Because there is not a J in the Italian language' Me ' how do you spell Google then?' (WTF!!!!! Charlotte you complete bloody idiot Google is spelt with a G not a J!! I do know this people. Honest to god could I be any more idiotic?) As it turns out. Yes. Yes I could. On the way back from date number two, we happened to drive past a field with a multitude of sheep in them. They had all been sheared and were all frolicking about in their little field. Luckily the comment that I made next appeared to had gone unheard, either that or he was beginning to ignore me due to the fact that I was dropping IQ points more rapidly than Snoop Dogg drops it like its hot..... Me ' why are there loads of dogs in that field? Can you rear dogs in a field like you would sheep?' Luckily I was met with the silence that a ridiculous comment like that deserved. I think that maybe the next date, if he is stupid enough to want to go on another date that is should involve maybe a film, that way I can sit in silence and not make a complete twat out of myself. I can sit there looking pretty..... well not so much as its been pointed out by tall dark and handsome that I tend to pull faces quite a lot. Awesome. Not only am I coming across as quite possibly the dizziest person since Paris Hilton, but I am gurning more times than bloody Anne Woods. I dont even know that I'm pulling faces half the time. My brain and my mouth are currently engaged in some sort of conflict, and now my face wants in on the party? What next? I can just see my legs deciding that they want to break out the Riverdance moves without telling my brain, and before I know It I will be blooming Michael Flatleying it all over the place. I am really starting to despair of the lack of connection that I have with my face, my brain and my mouth at the moment. They appear to be talking a foreign language and don't understand each other. I certainly don't understand any of what's going on, however by the looks of things I don't understand much. Other than the fact that I am a complete idiot.
Sienna Williamson
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