Vertalen   12 jaren geleden

remember remember remember remember the fifth of november gunpowder treason and plot I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot remember remember the fifth of november lay down the plan and then hide if this all goes well the whole will go up and we won't even be inside remember remember the fifth of november guy fawkes and his crew tried their best but a rat scuttled out brought men right about and they found the treasoners nest remember remember the fifth of november when the world could have changed for good with politicians gone the world would go on just like they knew it would remember remember the fifth of november when people could have seen their power to rise up and speak our voice is not meek we can force the boss' to cower remember remember the fifth of november when gove'ment is scared of the masses the public will bow but only for now as long as their word still passes remember remember the fifth of november gunpowder treason and plot I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot

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