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Forever Young 18 Chapter 18 AM I REALLY IN LOVE?: He blinked back into Earth and locked his eyes on mine in horror. "Get away from me! You are a monster! Get away!" he yelled and started to tremble. "Erm...I'm only human. I can't really do that much. I'm like you," I explained. "No! You're a monster! You're nothing like me! Nothing like me! Signore aiutami a uscire da questo demone e dannato signorina. Mandala a voi e purificare il suo sprint. Signore ci aiuti in tutto o dovremo affrontare il suo male facendo!" Angelo began to mutter Italian to himself. "HEY!" Zack called back with anger, screeching the car to a sudden halt and making Joe splat on the window screen. Joe groaned in pain as his face squashed roughly on the glass, and a small line of blood came trickling from his left cheek. "Cleo is not a demon and she is not damned!" Zack glared at Angelo, who looked up from praying. "You speak Italian?" "Hell yeah I speak Italian! And I also teach the language of 'Lets beat you up because you deeply insulted my girlfriend'!" I frowned at them both, and spread my arms between them. "Nobody is fighting no one, stay here and keep each other in one piece while I go see if Joe is okay," I ordered and crunched my eyes up in the darkness, with only the faint light of the on and off street light coming through the window making things visible, it was hard for them to notice I was glowering at them. I stepped outside and inhaled the air. It smelt early, you know, the five o'clock in the morning smell outside? I checked my watch, it was only three in the morning. I couldn't make out if Joe was still lying on the hood of the car or not, the dark forced my eyes not to see straight and trick my mind. "Joe?" I whispered sharply, wrapping my jumper tighter over myself. "Here," he moaned and lifted his finger up a bit. He was still lying on the bonnet. "Joe, get up. Get in the car if your dry," I added and got back into the car myself. Zack and Angelo were still how I left them, then Joe came limping in a few seconds later. "We need to discuss what he said about you," Zack murmured into my ear. "We need to get home also." I said shortly. "That can be done in good time." "So can discussing. I can't take anything in when my brain needs sleep, please take me home. My dad must be freaking out I'm not there in Alaska never mind if I'm not just at his house. So now we've got an idea of what the hunters can do. Can you me take my home? I miss my father," I said very quietly, gazing out the window, hardly blinking. "We can go to the safe house, then maybe go back home after you've rested," Zack smiled weakly and kissed me on the cheek lightly. I felt numb. No sign of emotion or feeling. I didn't move a muscle in my body when he kissed me, when I usually felt a spark-like feeling rush through me. Was I loving? Did I love him? Could I love him? An ice cold tear trickled down my chin, although I ignored it and hid my face in my blood stained hair. I traced my finger around a long cut I had from my finger to just above my forearm. Warm, sticky liquid caught onto my fingers as I traced the wound. "Do you want that bandaged up Cleo?" Joe asked from the back. "No, I'm fine thank you," I replied, not even looking up. I was so confused. My mind couldn't take so much thinking, I looked up at Zack driving. I thought him over, all the times he greeted me and smiled at me. When he wouldn't talk to me. When he wouldn't stay away from me. Is that love? It's too simple to be love. Is it really? It's also to hard be love. See, I can't even decide on my own theories my heads that messed up. I need time alone to think and to escape from my #life. And I know exactly where to go...

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