Translate   12 years ago

The Hancockorials (Totally Not!) Lizzie: My #life is ruined! Molly: Why, what happened? Lizzie: Oh Molly, a boy at school spread a rummer that I was dating Jonas! Molly: (raises eyebrows) Oh my gosh! Jonas is a dorky school bully! Mrs Hancock: Hello girls! How are you? Lizzie: Cava mal! Mrs Hancock: Eh? Lizzie: Not very well. Mrs Hancock: Oh Lizzie (wraps arms round her) what happened to make you upset? Was it Molly? Lizzie: Leave Molly alone! It was a guy at school, he said I was dating dumb old Jonas! Molly: We hate him. He bullies us, and our friends. Mrs Hancock: Well I can sort it out with his parents, ok? By the way, Jillian and baby Sydney are coming home in five minutes. I'll be on the laptop if you need me girls. Is Jonas on Facebook? I can talk to him if I must. Lizzie: No mum, you see I- Molly: Sure his user is Jonas Clank and an exclamation mark at the end. Same for his Twitter and YouTube. He goes on Facebook most. Lizzie: Hey you! Mrs Hancock: Thank you, Molly. Bye!

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